Feb 12


This is software project.

It generates moving city landscape. With it, I can make movies like this (Click on the image to watch on YouTube):

Movie Screenshot

Here you can download the Landscape Generator executable for .NET (it runs on Windows. I did not try to run in on Linux with Mono but it might just run):


If you are paranoid and do not trust me, because I’m just some random person on the Internet (which is very reasonable), please instead download the sources from GitHub, review them for potential threats, and compile. They are in C#.

Source Codes

Oct 22


My 2016 Halloween project: Spiderwebnight

How was it done? Watch the video:

TimeLapse video

Was it a successful project? Well, not quite. The rope supposed to be “glow in the dark”. And it does glow. Immediately after being exposed to some strong light. But sun set way too slowly :( I tried blacklight and camera flash, but they do not produce enough power for the whole spiderweb to glow. I can make a little piece glowing, but that’s no fun. But I like how it turns pink in the flash light. And it looks cool enough even without glowing.

Dec 20

What if rotary encoder does not click

I have got a function generator and power supply for $30 total.

The generator works great, but power supply was kind of weird. It was only adjustable when I did it really, really slowly. Once I tried to go faster, it was jumping to 1 then back to 0 then to 1 then back to 0. Yes, it was usable in general, but for a impatient guy like me it was a torture.

So I took it apart. There was a rotary encoder that did not click. It was just rotating smoothly like a potentiometer. This is clearly not what rotary encoder supposed to do. I decided, that I will likely not be able to repair it because some tiny part is likely broken, so I should buy a new one on ebay. But I decided to check it out first, so I opened it. This is the top part.


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